Option to open forum messages in read only multiline dialog (~LabelRefused~)

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~msgScore~: +2

1. horse,

I know that you can use speech history or something to copy an entire message to the clipboard and paste it in notepad, but it would be nice if there was an option in the functions and more menu to open messages in a read only dialog instead of expanding. Either that, or you can context on the message to read it in a dialog.
Furthermore, if there are links provided, an autodetect links function would be nice, either showing the list of links, or allowing them to be clickable when the cursor is focused on it. Of course confirmation to launch in the web browser should be added to ensure the security of the user and warn them about clicking on random links.

~msgScore~: +0

2. godfather,

Yeah not to mention it lags out screen reader when the entire text is sent to it in one huge burst. I had opened up a pole about this even a while back with very positive responses as far as I remember from the community, but it seems there wasn't an interest as from what I understand it this client is only meant to be a primitive way to view forum for non tech-savvy people I believe was said, and you are supposed to use the website otherwise. I simply proposed an edit field such as this one that I'm using right now to type out this response, only in read only mode. So nothing too complicated, just put the blob of text in another window rather than send it directly to the sr. I also optionally suggested a webview, so that you could properly read markdown elements like the quoting which happens frequently nowadays, and given that we already have that feature for other things like rules, it would just need to be added for one more thing. But that was just an extention really, even the edit field would work well. Personally I think given the responses even from very technically adept people it should be reconsidered but that's just my opinion of course.
PS. I think the whole point about technical beginners is basically invalidated by this one fact about laggy screen reader because people like us know what's going on. But someone who is new would most likely be confused at best, panic at wurse when their speech randomly freezes up. I know I used to when I was new with these things.
Anyway I've made all these points before in the prev thread so I won't repeat myself any further.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von godfather, Jun 25 2024 08:59:20

3. HeadphoneJack,


If you shift-tab from the game menu there's the history, and you can arrow through the messages there including the forum post. There are even links in there although I had trouble working with them last time I tried it.

Generally speaking though using the forum from within the client is pretty clunky, there's a web version which works a little bit better.

~msgScore~: +0

4. godfather,

Yeah web version works perfectly for me and I like it. The history also works in windows, but that is after afformentioned lag and when it's actually sent to history field.

~msgScore~: +1

5. Fawaz,

Isn't there control+enter to open links or get list of links?

~msgScore~: +1

6. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I think there should be the shortcut shift+enter on a post to open a read only multiline to read it, that way you can have both ways. The already existing one with enter, and read only field with shift+enter

~msgScore~: +0

7. Northstrider,

No need to create an additional read only field, there can be a feature where shift+enter would just put you in the history field on the beginning line of the text. A web view would be super neat, though.

~msgScore~: +0

Zuletzt geändert von Northstrider, Jun 26 2024 06:38:54

8. Nikola,

I was always confused about this need for a web view, since you have an open on the web item in each forum and each topic, which directly opens whatever you were working on in your browser. Isn't that a good solution?

On the other hand reading the topic in a text box instead of a long string of text is more understandable, and I was thinking of exactly the same approach as Bash..

~msgScore~: +1

9. Aminiel,


The windows client doesn't allow focusing and positionning the cursor precisely in the history, nor opening a multiline text read only dialog, nor opening a web view only with the text of a single post.

The web view can only open an existing page, such as game rules or the page of a forum topic, but not some isolated text such as a single post without any navigation links and so on.

The existing multiline dialog opened on the client is necessarily editable. So the feature would probably be confusing, since you might no longer know very well if you are reading or editing, and if what you have edited can actually be modified. I already see those who are going to complain why their modifications have been lost, and answer sorry, you just were in the wrong dialog. Not very cool.

Therefore, the feature requires a windows client update.
Given all what's already ongoing, this isn't going to happen immediately, and I'm probably going to forget about your propositions til then. So, I suggest that you come back with them when a beta for a windows client update is started.

~msgScore~: +1

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