Monopoly: bots are dull

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1. kain,

can you improve the intelligence of bots in monopoly?
First thing: If they get mordgaged properties per trade they never unmordgage it. A Bot had on the superboard 18000 cash and the magenta group, he got L.A. mortgaged and hadn't unmortgaged it! He had the money!
Second: May if bots haven't negative cash and houses, they can sell own properties to a factor of for example 1.5 to other players
3. If bots have 2 properties and you wanna give him the 3rd per trade they actually won't pay more than the inicial price is. That's quite unrealistic. It would be much better if bots would pay you like the 1.5 inicial price, just an example again
and 4. May you should improve the factors of bots trades depents of their money. May if they have negative cash they would propose deals in which they wanna have more cash and so on
I hope that you could understand a bit... lol

- Kain

Score: +0

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