IBM TTS (cestino)

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1. GoldenHorizon,

hello folks, hope this message finds you well.
I wana ask that does any of you have the IBM TTS libraries? or something similar to elequonce?

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2. Mohammedradwan2003,

They get installed with Zindu Screen Reader. AKA Zindu CSR

Punteggio: +0

3. GoldenHorizon,

so aren't they available to download? is it maindatory to install that screen reader?

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4. blaise97,

if you absolutely want IBMTTS, you can. the driver is still available, but you will need to find yourself the library, the voice in other words. the driver is located at
or for a more direct link:
i op this can help you a bit.

Punteggio: +0

5. ubuntu,

libraries aren't there, but driver is on there git hub.

Punteggio: +0

6. GoldenHorizon,

what's the point of having IBM TTS then? it says that I won't be able to use that without libraries.

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7. ubuntu,

@mystified_meutwo I can give you libraries, even direct add-on, which will have all the things set up.
but off course that is not here, as I am not aware of its legality.
or for more secure way, you can use the solution some one given above in this thread, to install some thing screen reader, and you'll get the libs with it.
if you want nvda add-on, then drop me dm on my inbox, i'll help you out there.
since i'm not aware of its legality, I won't take any risk to put anything in public thread

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8. Marina,

we've just removed all posts in this topic talking about illegal content or places/websites which provide such material.
Please do not discuss or suggest such websites, neither in this topic, nor anywhere else on our forum. Check our community rules for reference.
Thanks for understanding.

Punteggio: +0

9. GoldenHorizon,

i'm sorry. well, I could have asked people in person. I do understand the thing. and I shouldn't have violated the rules. anyways, feel free to delete this topic. and sorry once again.

Punteggio: +0

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