new game request: ludo/ Pachisi game board on the platform

6 Nachrichten, 1 Seiten:  1 ↖ Zurück zur Themenliste

~msgScore~: +0

1. samrat_kc,

hello, please add the ludo / Pachisi game board also on this platform. this game is very populare on the world, and many of the sited people playing this game online/offline. if this game available on this platform, then many of the blind people also able to enjoy same as the other sited people

~msgScore~: +0

2. StormProductions,

When requesting new games, it's a good practice to also give us the rules of that game, so that the developer can understand exactly what's the game you're refering to. So I'd suggest that you also give us a link to the game rules.

~msgScore~: +2

Zuletzt geändert von StormProductions, Apr 7 2024 06:47:37

3. samrat_kc,

yes, but this game is very populare, so i thought, our developers team easyly find the rools of this game by googleing it. , so that i have not provided the game rools, but if needed, i can provide the rools.

~msgScore~: +0

4. Emerald,

Those games are very hard to implement. There was a ludo game on gamer world that is accessible but for me that was difficult … keeping track of 4 counters and it was really just pressing enter also.

~msgScore~: +0

5. YNWA,

Ludo has been talked about before. Backgammon is a better version but it is more than pressing enter. You have 4 tokens and you want a lot of 6s. The version I played you would create what is known as a barrel (usually 2 or 3 tokens on the same square), this means no other colour token can pass you until that barrel becomes just one token. Others have to try to take your single tokens before you get home while other barrels may end up just behind yours. When your barrel splits your tokens could be taken...

There is also the option to have bigger boards and include other colours allowing 6 to play.

~msgScore~: -1

Zuletzt geändert von YNWA, Apr 7 2024 21:02:04

6. Aminiel,


In the version I know, there exists the barrel concept, too.
There are also protected squares where your tokens can't be sent back home.

In fact it can become quite strategical if you make the track shorter, use more tokens, and two dice instead of just one (allowing to move two different tokens at your turn if you want).
But if you do all that, you have created . . . a kind of backgammon.

The main problems with this game, whatever how you name it, are that

  1. There exists a lot of different versions of this game: length of the track, barrel or not, protected squares or not, conditions to get out of home, conditions to finish, conditions to eat enemy tokens, extra rules like three 12 in a row put you back home, sometimes shells are used instead of dice, etc...
  2. The form of the track: all players don't start and finish at the same place, and there are private tracks (for the final part). So this can't be represented as a simple linear list of squares from 1 to X, as square 1 isn't at the same place for everybody. I'm afraid that many people wouldn't well understand why they start at square 15 and their friend at square 45 or that square 1 follows square 60 and that doesn't necessarily mean near from winning for example.

So, well, not so easy, and given that it's quite a lot like pressing enter, and that it's quite often especially labelled as a children game only, I'm not sure it's really worth the effort.
There are a lot of more interesting games.

~msgScore~: +3

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