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3911 topics, 79 pages:  1 74 7576 77 78 79 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Team temptings

imcoocoo 0 imcoocoo,

1000 Miles Bug

Tyros3 5 bob-de-huisbaas,

A prolem in the forum

Burak 2 Burak,

Question about the "connection" diolog

Burak 2 Burak,

web client of playroom

nomi 1 Aminiel,

Signing in quentinc on Wind7.

massimo 1 Aminiel,

Create Monopoly boards

fredrik013 14 Pantalaimon,

unable to sign in to playroom client

muffi 2 muffi,

how to use input format string

outer 1 Pantalaimon,

problem with eloquence

Anneau-de-Saturne 0 Anneau-de-Saturne,

other games?

fatih 20 Pantalaimon,

different music for the games

bmisch 6 Pantalaimon,

suggestions for the game of chess

ikramy 4 Pantalaimon,

Chess Bugs

Pantalaimon 0 Pantalaimon,

jump feature for junking card in 1000 miles

coolcurt 1 Aminiel,

playroom not be working

outer 2 Aminiel,

Game rules

akilor 2 Lenka,

here is a PlayRoom TeamTalk, and is still available.

TBlaze 0 TBlaze,

A teamtalk server for play room

BogdanMuresan 1 TBlaze,

sapi5 not working correctlhy

bigblind 1 Aminiel,

romanian language on the playroom

stefan_ilioaica 0 stefan_ilioaica,


fredrik013 2 stefan_ilioaica,

Bugs in 1000 miles?

fredrik013 2 fredrik013,

Magic blocks

BogdanMuresan 7 Aminiel,

1000 MILES

age1981 2 fredrik013,

playroom not working

outer 4 Aminiel,

having problems accessing games and keeping access once we get access.

talmadge 1 Aminiel,


musicjohn 3 bmisch,

Problem logging in to the playroom

OhioStateBuckeyes 3 OhioStateBuckeyes,

what are all the currently implemented / commands?

darklord 2 darklord ,

Please, please, how do I turn the music down?

Loyal 3 Burak,

Suggesting an accessible Yu-Gi-Oh style game

doidus 1 stefan_ilioaica,

Problems with Monopoli, using italian language

Lucrezia 2 Lucrezia,

1000 miles problem

heftyman34 3 Aminiel,

Friends list

Burak 1 Aminiel,

sever combobox in log in

thetj 5 Aminiel,


john 1 Aminiel,

The Kicking feature

OhioStateBuckeyes 4 Hass101,

Extended table information

akilor 0 akilor,

crazy eights suggestion and a comment

HarmonicaPlayer 0 HarmonicaPlayer,

User control

Burak 0 Burak,

User Name with space character not allowing log-in.

Bupster 1 Aminiel,

connecting to the playroom

goldenboy75 2 Aminiel,

Spanish language is down

Giovani 0 Giovani ,

Down time

Nessa 1 Aminiel,

Unable to log into the latest version (NA problem resolved itself)

silly_soda_mommy 0 silly_soda_mommy,

Translate to Slovak language

Giovani 3 akilor,

several suggestions for 1000 miles

candygirl 2 candygirl,

can't connect

mary24 3 moongazer ,

promotion in chess

tonguyenchau 1 Aminiel,

3911 topics, 79 pages:  1 74 7576 77 78 79 ← Go back to forum list

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