Statistics: 1000 miles

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General game statistics of 1000 miles

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 8 654 (6.85%) 117 606 (93.15%) 126 260 (0.84%)
English 1 484 012 (22.78%) 5 030 193 (77.22%) 6 514 205 (43.29%)
Español 469 198 (18.78%) 2 029 064 (81.22%) 2 498 262 (16.6%)
Français 304 076 (12.98%) 2 038 021 (87.02%) 2 342 097 (15.57%)
Italiano 97 207 (9.57%) 918 807 (90.43%) 1 016 014 (6.75%)
Português 551 131 (25.69%) 1 594 556 (74.31%) 2 145 687 (14.26%)
русский 25 147 (7.24%) 322 183 (92.76%) 347 330 (2.31%)
Srpski 14 891 (28.65%) 37 089 (71.35%) 51 980 (0.35%)
Total 2 954 318 (19.64%) 12 087 532 (80.36%) 15 041 850

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games3 310 785840.55 88425 216307 003
Rounds15 046 6713 82026 740114 6021 395 250
Rounds in finished games11 483 5822 91520 40887 4641 064 851

Approximatively 76.32% of the games are played to their end, while 23.68% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. joel: 68 009 rounds played
  2. ronph: 60 552 rounds played
  3. picasso-pablo: 60 380 rounds played
  4. tourterelle: 57 115 rounds played
  5. mahir-kerimov: 56 883 rounds played
  6. murray.r: 56 107 rounds played
  7. dusuneninsan: 49 034 rounds played
  8. luisfernandes27: 46 966 rounds played
  9. lematou17: 46 131 rounds played
  10. kayodo: 44 008 rounds played
  11. juvepersempre: 42 560 rounds played
  12. delipoyraz: 40 961 rounds played
  13. silviayotto: 40 627 rounds played
  14. neandertalecgame: 40 584 rounds played
  15. liiss: 40 385 rounds played
  16. Butterfly925: 37 160 rounds played
  17. mariabatistabraga: 36 037 rounds played
  18. bouchon: 35 901 rounds played
  19. geaigeaizenn: 35 889 rounds played
  20. mamidan: 35 143 rounds played
  21. thanhson2002: 34 830 rounds played
  22. tigresse: 33 731 rounds played
  23. iuli45: 33 588 rounds played
  24. bruna1971: 32 868 rounds played
  25. miriam: 32 544 rounds played
  26. silveriomorais: 32 226 rounds played
  27. mestre: 32 157 rounds played
  28. lebaroudeur: 31 446 rounds played
  29. bugati: 30 704 rounds played
  30. DerekDelhenty: 30 476 rounds played

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