Suggestions and comments

1406 temas, 29 páginas:  1 9 1011 12 13 29 ← Volver a la lista de foros

Tema Autor Num. resp. Último mensaje

Friend list settings and modifications:

Darkwolf 32 Darkwolf,

Gender Options

Serena 16 YNWA,

Suggestion for blocked people

Qais 9 TwinkleRose,

Word Games

ClawsOfSteel89sKitten 1 YNWA,

Town of Salem

Jahreindota 18 Vojvoda ,

Posting new Monopoly board

Giovani 2 Giovani ,

petition to MR. aminiel from the spanish playroom

phoenix_rising 4 phoenix_rising,

The eternal second (beta) rules

BlueTardisz 3 BlueTardisz,

Suggestion for a new card game: Casino

the-raven 4 Aminiel,

an extra option for 1000 miles

tiny 7 Lemonade,

Suggestion for the little exam: Custom difficulty

Nikola 30 Nikola,

About refraining in Quiz party

Nikola 6 Aminiel,

Farcle rules are different than main stream games

JMouse 12 YNWA,

rules for the game The Eternal Second Beta.

facelessghost 6 Sylphrena,

promoting play room

Mohammedradwan2003 23 Lemonade,

new language

IndonesianGamer 20 Nikola,

please make awinks for playroom chat

mostafamahmoud310 2 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Improving the functionality of the forum on the site QuentinC's Gameroom.

facelessghost 5 StormProductions,

multiple game table invatations

Peggy_Bella420 14 StormProductions,

Bad feature in UNO

Darkwolf 5 Paddy_Irishman,

suggestion for spades

the-raven 25 the-raven ,

A suggestion for presence statuses

Nikola 22 Northstrider,

Suggestion regarding chess - piece moving

Vojvoda 14 spaceship,

a suggestion regarding copying a person's details

Northstrider 12 Aminiel,

Trick taking games with multiple people

Nikola 3 Aminiel,

More board games

slannon 14 YNWA,

Web client and shaking the device

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Suggesting regarding saved tables

Paddy_Irishman 25 Paddy_Irishman,

making play for tutch systems

mostafamahmoud310 3 supanut2000,

renaming bots

Zade 7 supanut2000,

Add more on-screen controls for common game actions to the Windows client

slannon 4 YNWA,




YNWA 1 balasana ,

Viewing table participants before joining:

Darkwolf 5 Darkwolf,

Sore losers:

Darkwolf 13 YNWA,

please make a shortcut for available contacts

mostafamahmoud310 14 the-raven ,

An urgent problem which needs to be solved

Cristina 32 facelessghost,

Playroom should not show the tables of absent people by default

kumandan 7 eathan,

(Implemented): Suggestion for spectator mode

Nikola 29 Fawaz,

Beta testing

CathyAnne 3 Nikola,

Counting cards in Black Jack

Exink 2 Exink,

Additional payment system for the game room.

facelessghost 5 YNWA,

Well, guys

CathyAnne 11 Paddy_Irishman,

Beta testing a game

CathyAnne 1 YNWA,

Five card draw Poker

slannon 0 slannon,

Virtual money for QuentinC's Gameroom

StormProductions 16 facelessghost,

Spades, making bots smarter

Vojvoda 4 Vojvoda ,

bad bots, i'd like them to play well

tiny 6 StormProductions,

Errors in scoring panels in Both Uno and Mexican Dominoes

LadyKai 2 LadyKai,

Questions and opinions about Citadels

Aminiel 96 BlueTardisz,

1406 temas, 29 páginas:  1 9 1011 12 13 29 ← Volver a la lista de foros

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