about social networks. What social network you use/would use?

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1. Symbian,

here's a topic about social networks. I'm currently using Twitter and the playroom. But, maybe someone noticed that my nic is a reference to an old social network (del.icio.us). I'm wondering if someone here used it. When it was usable, it nowadays is like a museum. So you can't even register but apparently you can login there if you have an account.

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2. nicolae-guta,

bro, the people are ignore you xdd

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3. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I use playroom, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok often and most of my time is on Clubhouse

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4. Symbian,

I also used elten, but nowadays I don't use it.

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5. KittyCat15,

I use tiktok. I have 4000 followers ahahaha

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6. supanut2000,

For me I use Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Playroom, Reddit and Clubhouse, as far as social media goes.

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7. sound2,

I'm mainly on playroom, fb, twitter very rarely, elten, and rs games.

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8. ashishchhetri,

I am using YouTube, Playroom, Telegram and rarely Whatsapp.

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9. augma ,

WHATS elten?

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10. GoldenHorizon,

I usually spend time on pr, Instagram and twitter.

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11. unolover,

I am on inst gram

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12. Symbian,

elten is a social network where you can chat with other people, check and answer the forum, send messages, files and call other people.

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13. lucy_light,

I am using PR, RS games, WhatsApp, Teamtalk, Discord and rarely fb, Skype and Elten, but dropping an e-mail to several addresses of mine would never harm anyone.

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14. Mohammedradwan2003,

i use facebook twitter Instagram discord tiktok WhatsApp skype teamtalk duo and telegram.

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