Hi I have an idea in many of the games I don't get to chooze bots I like if they allow choosing of bots it would be good. lets say I want to play with Indiana jones and anastazia I have to select from various other bots which is very complex. like we can present like duch chalanges a manu which bots we want and whichever bots we like we can select.
Score: -3
Dernière édition par glad, 06.03.2024 17:16
2. Emerald,
I don’t tink it makes a difference to be honest. They’re just names to make it fun I believe. Just keep pressing add bot until you got the ones you want and kick the rest.
Score: +0
3. glad,
i have noticed that the playing styl also depends on the bot you chooze. I think it might be a useful features. want to hear more thought on this subject.
Score: -2
Dernière édition par glad, 07.03.2024 17:56
4. Quintin-D,
They all seem to lose the same way to me.
Score: +0
5. Nikola,
Hello, the name of the bot has no influence on how it will play, so if that's the reason, this is just a mith.
Score: +3
6. glad,
am curious then how the playing styl of a bot is determined or all bots play in same waay?
Score: +0
7. abhishek,
all bots plays in same way. its not like, particular named bot will play goodly, and some names will play very bad.
Score: +1
8. glad,
thanks a lot!
Score: +0
9. Isaac5457,
I don't know. I guess it also depends on the game. Some bots have a particular style on a game, while other games have their bots differ in playing style. I immagine programming various playing styles can be quite challenging.