Hello, So I just found out about a strange bug with free tables. When you set a topic containing an emoji it is normally displayed if you or anyone else sees the topic, but when you save it and you see the table's topic on the saved tables, the emoji won't be displayed, but a question mark. Although, when you restore the table, the emoji is again being displayed on the table topic. I guess it is also related to not being able to type them on status messages, either them or some other simbols, or letters belonging to a different alphabet, I just find it weird that only at a few places they are displayed, and at a few others they are not. It would be really nice if they could be displayed everywhere. I mean, if they can in some places already, why wouldn't they be in the missing ones? I hope this can be implemented in a near future. Best regards, Diana.
Pontuação: +0
2. Nikola,
That bug actually creates a rather weird situation on the Russian part. Since the Russian Playroom is in cyrillic, saving several tables, then going to your list of tables, you will find nothing is actually displayed and you can't know which table is which since they are all, just like in the case of table topics shown as question marks. I mean, you sort of can know, based on the usernames, but in case you have several games with the same person you'd have to remember the date to know what's what. I suppose the same situation is with table topics. Not just Emoji, anything not in Ansi will probably not work. The affected items as far as I know are only saved tables and status messages. That was indeed usually strange to me, since the Playroom supports UTF 8 everywhere just fine, but only these specific exceptions seem to cause issues.