Hello, today I played chess and was unable to make a short castle. I am not sure whether this may have to do anything with black bishop of my opponent attacking f1 square, however my white king should be going to g1 and not f1. 1. Ng1-f3. Pd7-d5 2. Pd2-d4. Pc7-c5 3. Pe2-e3. Pc5-c4 4. Pb2-b3. Pb7-b5 5. Pb3xc4. Pb5xc4 6. Nb1-a3. Pe7-e6 7. Na3xc4. Nb8-c6 8. Nc4-e5. Bc8-b7 9. Ra1-b1. Qd8-e7 10. Rb1-b2. Ra8-d8 11. Bc1-d2. Qe7-c7 12. Qd1-b1. Rd8-b8 13. Ne5xc6. Qc7xc6 14. Nf3-e5. Qc6-c7 15. Bf1-c4. Ng8-e7 16. Bc4-a6. Bb7xa6 17. Rb2xb8+. Ne7-c8 18. Rb8-b3. Nc8-b6 19. Rb3xb6. Pa7xb6 20. Qb1xb6. Qc7xb6
Pontuação: +0
2. spaceship,
Hello, You cannot castle because the f1 square is controlled. It does not matter if the rook is attacked, but if the king is attacked, or the destination square, or traversed square for the king during the king is controlled by the opponent, castling is not possible. Here, if h1 would be attacked you could castle, but you cannot in case of f1 because the king jumps over f1 during castling.