61. sky360,
<or display name changes are moderated, in which case it doesn't provide any real advantage compared to the current system.> I completely disagree, the purpose of this thread was to take measures against people being confused about who a person formally was after he changes his name, not about reducing the work load of the moderators. of course the workload of moderators should be considered, but that is outside the scope of this topic. also how about limiting display name changes to once in 30 days, or the system regarding an extra string showing in friends list such as formally known as X is a good solution. adding bio is a good thing, but it doesn't really solve the problem at hand as they can choose to change their bio and their name both. talking about people not being technically aware, I am sure people will be confused for a while and after using the new system for few days, everyone will get used to it. we can't stay back from adopting new things just because some people are not aware, making them aware by educating them is a better solution in my view.
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