1. Nikola,
I haven't posted this in bug reports, because I guess this is meant to work the way it does now, but I'm hoping this can be improved, as it makes betting in the Duck racing Roulette a little annoying.
When you place a bet on any item, the menu closes and reopens, but much more annoying, it returns the focus to the top of the list. This means that, for example, if you want to bet 27 feathers on black, you have to bet 9, refocus on black, bet again, refocus again, and so on... Can the focus stay in the last place so you can just press enter to make multiple same bets? In addition to this requiring a lot of arrow key presses, you also have a limited time to bet, so if you have a lot of feathers and want to make many bets, you may not manage to bet everything you wanted on time.
If this isn't possible for some reason, an alternative can be to make the right arrow increase the bet by the same multiple amount, and then enter to confirm.
For example, you bet 9 on black by default, but if you press right arrow on the option, it could increase it to 18, then to 27, etc... Then, enter would confirm that larger bet.
Thanks for your consideration.
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