categories of games (~LabelSolved~)

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1. SkylarJayde13,

I believe there should be like a categorized playroom. Like if someone wanted to browse the specifically for dice games, there could be like when you guys had arcade games in a category when you hit the arrow keys. Left and right that is. I do not know on mobile though maybe at the bottom of the mobile menu of games there should be like the categories

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2. Nikola,

here is my opinion on this topic, but I believe this requires a complete separation between keyboard or touch screen users.


If you use a keyboard, in my view, this kind of thing is completely useless and just complicates the matter. Of course, you may not be aware, so just in case, the list of games supports multi-letter navigation. So, keeping this in mind, it's much faster, if you want to play Farkle, to choose create a new table and type a few letters, in this case FA is enough since there is no other game starting with FA at the moment, and you're on Farkle, that's a lot better compared to clicking on Create a new table, then finding some dice category, entering that, and then finally finding Farkle.

With the Farkle example it isn't even so bad, but it's not always so clear and obvious which category a game should be put into. You may find yourself entering a wrong category because, say, you expected Duck racing under board games while I consider board games only the ones played on a grid (this is a matter of English ambiguity).

Then there is one more problem, some categories don't even have enough games to warrant the separation. For instance, where would you put Quiz party? Logic would dictate it would go under some separate trivia category, but there aren't any other trivia games, so making a category for it alone seems like a stretch. At most, you could really go far and say put it together with the Little exam, but they aren't similar enough.

Finally, it's worth noting that even in the current list of games, games are often sorted so that similar games are next to each other (you'll notice in the list we have Farkle, Yahtzee, Zanzibar and Shut the boxes all games focused on dice next to each other, trick-taking games are grouped together next to each other as well, and so on).

Touch screen users

Here, it gets a little more interesting, and I can see this being useful. But again, I personally don't see it as useful under the suggested form, enter one menu, try to find your game, realize it is not where you expected it, exit that menu, enter some other menu. Even under the ideal form where you know the category of each game and everything is completely obvious, I really think those kinds of nested menus just make the table creation unnecessarily slower, or at least they don't really significantly speed it up in any way.
Where I would really see this as a great design is if these categories were headings on the Web client itself. You could then jump between headings to quickly navigate if you want to pass a particular category, you could easily swipe back and forth between them, and so on. Unfortunately I don't think the current layout of the Playroom really allows doing that sort of thing easily, but it might be worth thinking about it for the future.

By the way, there was a bit of discussion related to this in this topic.

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3. YNWA,

This is what I suggest:


1000 miles
Black Jack
Cards Against Humanity
French tarot
Poker Texas Holdem
Scientific war
The Eternal second


Connect four
Duck racing


Go [Beta]


Ninety nine
Shut the boxes
The ultimate press enter official game


Fives and threes
Mexican Train


6 takes
Quiz Party
The little exam


You can press a number to get to the category or a letter if you still wish to do so. Maybe the cards could be split into Individual players and teams to make the list a bit shorter.

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Последнее изменение YNWA, 24.11.2024 19:24:46

4. Nikola,

Quite a good job, a lot of that makes sense, but Ninety nine and press enter are definitely not dice games, and I am not sure what you are trying to separate with "board games" and "other board games". Chess, Connect 4, Reversi and Go definitely go into the same category where as you separated them, I would personally say that Battleship and Backgammon go into that category to, but the separation does make sense for Citadels, Duck racing or Monopoly.
I'm honestly not sure about that knowledge/number games category and about putting 6 takes together with Quiz, Scrabble and exam, it doesn't feel all that appropriate. 6 takes is a card game even though it is not played with the standard deck, I'd personally rather move Cards against humanity to that category. That's not perfect either, CAH doesn't require a lot of knowledge nor number skills, but it's also not really a typical card game.

You can press a number to get to the category or a letter if you still wish to do so. Maybe the cards could be split into Individual players and teams to make the list a bit shorter.

Whatever the decision, I hope it is 100 percent optional on desktop. There should always be a full games list you can just view when you want to create a table. Press a number, add category shortcuts, neither of these will make it any faster. Pressing CR followed by Enter is still the fastest way to create a Cribbage game rather than remember oh yeah, number 1 is for cards, so press that, and then do CR followed by Enter.

To conclude, here's my edited list mostly based on what you did, and slightly better formatted. Reading from the web recommended for the best experience:

  • 1000 miles
  • Uno
  • Scopa
  • Ninety nine
  • Poker Texas Holdem
  • Cribbage
  • Rummy
  • Golf
  • 6 takes
  • Scientific war
  • Black Jack
Trick-taking card games
  • Hearts
  • Bouillabaisse
  • Spades
  • Jass
  • Belote
  • French tarot
  • Barbu
  • Tysiac/Tysiacha/1000
Dice games
  • Farkle
  • Yahtzee
  • Zanzibar
  • Shut the boxes
Board games
  • Connect four
  • Reversi
  • Chess
  • Go
  • Battleship
  • Backgammon
Token games

This can probably do with a better name, but here I imagine all games which are actually played on a board, but you don't directly interact with the board. Your token just moves some specified amount based on the established rules. I'm not sure if I should put Backgammon here or leave it in board games. In fact considering my final draft has only 2 games here, maybe we just forget that completely and move them all to board games.

  • Monopoly
  • Duck racing
Domino games
  • Dominos
  • Fives and threes
  • Mexican train
Intellectual games
  • Quiz Party
  • The little exam
  • Scrabble
  • Cards against humanity
Humoristic games
  • The eternal second
  • Press Enter
  • New amazing game for the next April fools where you need to report 5 bugs to win

The only odd one not present in my list is Citadels, I honestly have no idea where to put it. This is a modern game quite unique on the Playroom, it is not played on a board, technically the most appropriate place is probably card games, but it's a lot more than that.
It wouldn't be incorrect to say it is a psychological game, but we don't have any other games for that category, this is where you'd have games such as I doubt it or Werewolf, in other words, games in which you succeed best by bluffing. Of course, Poker fits that too, but Poker outside of card games probably isn't appropriate in any way. I'm thinking that perhaps a few games can fit more than one category.

My list is also not perfect in any way, for instance even I myself imagine Scrabble going into board games too, I put it in intellectual only to increase the number of games in that category and because it isn't horribly incorrect.

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5. Aminiel,


The idea to reorganize the game list for a more practical access, especially on mobile, where you don't have letter navigation, isn't at all new.

However, your last posts well illustrate the main problem: there is probably no perfect classification, and everybody sees it a little differently.

Does everybody knows what is a trick taking game ? Maybe not exactly. It's in fact a subdivision of card games, so we might create a tree. Scrabble is both a board and a word game.
Citadels and 6 takes are card games, but putting them with other card games looks a little strange. Ducks race, monopoly and backgammon are all board games, but putting them together looks also quite strange. Nikola just invented the term intellectual games so the quiz, for example, isn't left alone somewhere, but this name doesn't make much sense. Cribbage might be put in board games too, because traditionally, you record scores by advancing pegs on a board with numbered holes. And we can continue, so long, so forth.

Without counting bonus things, for example trying to make categories more or less balanced, otherwise it doesn't bring much if we have, said, one category with 36 items and another one with 4.

I stay convinced that it would be useful to have a hierarchical list of some kind rather than a single long list of games on mobile,
but as you can see, it's nearly impossible to come up with something which is obvious, immediately understood by everybody.

Maybe a good start would simply be the ability to mark your prefered games as favorites, and they would appear on the top of the list.

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6. Nikola,

Maybe a good start would simply be the ability to mark your prefered games as favorites, and they would appear on the top of the list.

Yeah I think it's worth giving that a try at some point. It's a basic start that could later on be expanded to allow others to see your favorite games, which would be an interesting feature I think.

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7. YNWA,

Yes did miss 99 and I didn't know Citadels was a card game because it said board game when I had looked at it before. You can put the board games together but the general principle wasn't too bad. My thinking behind 6 takes was that people wanted other number games such as Sodoko which may or may not be added in the future. True you could add Cards against humanity and I did think of that too but chose cards as a category.

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8. horse,

Favorites is a good idea. Or even simpler, a user could rearrange the games order via shift up and down, like in a card game. They can move their favorites to the top, or the ones that they find most interesting. Maybe the ones they want to learn how to play can be put in the middle, and the ones they don't like at the bottom.
Allowing for placing custom headers throughout the list would be nice. Or as discussed most recently, allowing the user to create their own game categories, just like they can with history view buffers would work as well. This way people can organize them how they see fit.

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9. glad,

favorites is beter option shift up and down will work for windows users but people with phones will have difficulty. in the games menu we can add t mark the game as favorate by a key on windows and double tab and hold or any swipe combination or put a favorite in the options and give list of all the games.

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10. SkylarJayde13,

looking at all of this today. I do agree with what I am trying to remember who it was who organized the games and ithe categories. If you can't do it on the game main room itself, you could do it on the website

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11. StormProductions,

Yeah, the ability to just straight up delete games you don't like from the list and move up the ones you play more often is indeed a great idea. +1 for it to be implemented.

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