Hello! In this game will be list of 10 numbers, from "1" to "10", and each player has the same list. Also will be "10" points. Wait, enough confused. I'll invite my friend "Muhammad Hajjar", and we will start the round and you will understand me. Ok we are too players in the table. It's my turn, I'll choose a number from "1" to "10" I'll choose "6" Ok I've choosed "6" by pressing Enter key. "Muhammad" will imagine the number randomly, he will press Enter at "4" but he will lose a point. If "Muhammad" pressed "6" he will get a point. If someone has "10" points he/she will win the round. I don't know if you understand my idea, if you didn't understand tell me. Regards.
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2. Athlon,
I don't think that game is good
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3. Paddy_Irishman,
probably too basic. sounds like a raffle. :D
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4. wolfi,
that's a game i use to play when i was in first grade.
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5. MuhammadHajjar,
No, I think it's good to be one of this awesome platform's games, but it appears to nead a very good luck :D.
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6. Sajad-Aliraqi,
I'll be thankful if the administrator will add it!
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7. BhavyaShah ,
Hi, I really wonder, does this game involve any strategy or gameplay tactics at all? Sounds a complete gamble, absolutely fortune based. :) smiles I guess Shut The Boxes suffices that kind of game's need on QuentinC's Playroom. :D grin Best Regards, Bhavya Shah
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8. Sajad-Aliraqi,
It should be bored like ninety nine
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9. Aminiel,
This seems to be a kind of guess the number game, what is completely ridiculous and off-topic... or please explain better your ideas.
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10. Sajad-Aliraqi,
I choose a number from the list, and my friend will imagine the number randomly. He will choose a number, if his choise was like I choosed he will get point, if his choise isn't true he will lose a point. From one to ten numbers and poins.
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11. Aminiel,
OK, so I had understood right: that's a kind of guess the number game. May be fun during 10 minutes for a child of 10 years old, but in general it's completely idiot.
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12. Hayden,
I tend to agree. What you've laid out is a game based purely on luck; there exists absolutely zero skill, except perhaps, in the bizarre case that a player holds to a pattern when selecting their number.
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13. Sajad-Aliraqi,
I know it's luck, but it doesn't matter about the age. The admins can add this game, and like another game if someone want to play or not as their freedom. I want to play this game really I guess this game is nice... Sajad
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14. Daredevil,
Totally agree with Aminiel with this one :)
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15. LaraStardust,
well while aminiel could have phrased it a little friendlier, yeah, sorry but that game is way to basic. If you want to do that, go download guessnum from blastbay.com
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16. Sajad-Aliraqi,
I know this game Dardar. But if this game create on the playroom will be better, because it'll be online. And not the computer who will choose the number randomly, the user who's their turn will choose the number.
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17. basket,
It sounds like a game a 4 year old would find useful and interesting.
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18. Sajad-Aliraqi,
It doesn't care about the age. Only game. And I think i'd be good idea dude.
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19. wolfi,
bro this game has nothing with fun
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20. ManCity ,
Absurd idea.
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21. ceyda ,
I agree. :D
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22. Vojvoda ,
maybe it would be fun on free tables not fun but for spending a bit of time