1. Vojvoda,
I am really surprised that noone has found out about this one yet, or didn't submit it.
So, when enabling non automatic rents, where I have to press space to claim the Money, I am able to build after the Landing of a player on my property and then press space. For example I have one house, the player rolls and lands on there, I am able even to mordgage other properties, gain more Money, build few more houses and then press space to get much more Money than I would with one house. Here is history log with a concrete example:
It's Dark vador's turn.
Dark vador rolls the dice: 1 3.
Dark vador advances by 4 squares.
It's your turn.
You have 13 400 francs.
Choose the property where you want to build a house:
You build a house on Bienne. There are now 2.
You build a house on Fribourg. There are now 2.
You build a house on La Chaux-de-Fonds. There are now 2.
You build a house on Bienne. There are now 3.
You have 5 400 francs.
You build a house on Fribourg. There are now 3.
You build a house on La Chaux-de-Fonds. There are now 3.
You don't have enough cash.
Choose the property to mortgage:
You mortgage Lausanne and get 3 500 francs.
You mortgage Genève and get 3 000 francs.
You mortgage Montreux and get 2 800 francs.
You have 10 700 francs.
You build a house on Bienne. There are now 4.
You build a house on Fribourg. There are now 4.
You build a house on La Chaux-de-Fonds. There are now 4.
You build a house on Bienne. There are now 5.
A huge construction is on the land, which seems to be so idyllic.
Dark vador pays you 19 000 francs.
Skor: +4