Statistics: Scopa

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General game statistics of Scopa

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 3 064 (4.44%) 65 897 (95.56%) 68 961 (0.28%)
English 5 120 261 (48.97%) 5 336 465 (51.03%) 10 456 726 (42.23%)
Español 1 206 889 (29.66%) 2 862 491 (70.34%) 4 069 380 (16.43%)
Français 1 230 147 (35.08%) 2 276 092 (64.92%) 3 506 239 (14.16%)
Italiano 1 313 152 (36.41%) 2 293 329 (63.59%) 3 606 481 (14.56%)
Português 838 553 (32.56%) 1 737 219 (67.44%) 2 575 772 (10.4%)
русский 46 809 (11.12%) 374 225 (88.88%) 421 034 (1.7%)
Srpski 15 698 (28.1%) 40 174 (71.9%) 55 872 (0.23%)
Total 9 774 574 (39.48%) 14 985 916 (60.52%) 24 760 490

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games4 047 6271 0287 19330 829375 330
Rounds24 761 6996 28744 006188 5962 296 111
Rounds in finished games22 354 7255 67539 728170 2642 072 916

Approximatively 90.28% of the games are played to their end, while 9.72% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. alcazar: 169 338 rounds played
  2. mirtabaier: 165 292 rounds played
  3. yenilmezadam: 153 524 rounds played
  4. bugati: 136 786 rounds played
  5. brindemuguet: 135 461 rounds played
  6. pierocongedo: 130 540 rounds played
  7. camoun1: 116 857 rounds played
  8. vachette: 112 826 rounds played
  9. Ketty: 107 039 rounds played
  10. peppevigo: 99 124 rounds played
  11. roberto82: 98 897 rounds played
  12. delipoyraz: 95 583 rounds played
  13. mustan: 92 077 rounds played
  14. jokatore: 89 844 rounds played
  15. Starsky: 89 748 rounds played
  16. nirvana: 86 873 rounds played
  17. diabolik: 86 630 rounds played
  18. huseyinbertan: 84 219 rounds played
  19. maicol55: 84 171 rounds played
  20. william6222: 84 080 rounds played
  21. smartrc: 83 998 rounds played
  22. peperoncina: 82 063 rounds played
  23. reallove: 80 710 rounds played
  24. ivan1985: 79 900 rounds played
  25. elfraile: 77 965 rounds played
  26. anjinhadoce: 77 460 rounds played
  27. agronbujari: 76 771 rounds played
  28. petrus: 75 542 rounds played
  29. nachito: 74 222 rounds played
  30. colla: 74 040 rounds played

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